"Around the World" - A Fun Birthday Party Game

"Around the World" - A Fun Birthday Party Game

As specialists in treasure hunts for children, we are committed to assisting you in finding additional ideas to complement our treasure hunts for your kids' birthday parties. Since we enjoy introducing children to what exists in other countries worldwide and diverse cultures, we thought you might be interested in this game idea to entertain the children during a birthday party. This game can be a great addition to all our treasure hunts, extending the duration of the celebration even further.

What is the principle of the game "Around the World"?

"Around the World" is a popular game cherished by Mexican children, known for its ability to bridge the gap between older and younger kids. It's a circular game, much like several traditional games.

To set the stage for this game, you don't need any specific equipment, just a minimum of 5 participants.

How to Play this Birthday Party Game:

All participants form a circle, ideally alternating between taller and shorter children, holding hands. This arrangement creates an alternating circle of older and younger kids, each clasping hands. Two children (one older and one younger) stay outside the circle to start the game.

The pairs outside the circle begin to rotate around it and decide which two people within the circle they'll separate. Once the hands are parted, both sets of pairs - the one outside and the one whose hands are no longer connected - must run in opposite directions, circling around the main circle.

The objective is to be the first pair to reach the vacant spot in the circle left by the separated couple. The first pair to arrive gains a spot inside the circle, while the others remain outside. The victorious pair joins the circle, holding hands, and the pair outside the circle restarts the process to try and secure their place within the circle.

"Around the World" is an ideal game for mixing different age groups, fostering unity between younger and older kids. It's perfect for keeping everyone engaged while waiting for all the guests to arrive at a birthday party or for a fun family activity during holidays!

Introducing this new game to your young guests at their birthday party or keeping your children entertained during school breaks can add excitement to the celebration. Combine it with other activities like a treasure hunt, such as Quizoparty®, to make the birthday party even more memorable.

Remember, incorporating interactive games like "Around the World" into birthday party ideas can make the celebration more enjoyable for everyone involved.

To play this game, you don't need any equipment, just a minimum of 5 participants.

Summary of how to play "Around the World" during a birthday party.

• Formation of the Circle: All participants form a circle, ideally alternating between taller and shorter children, holding hands.

• Selecting the Starting Participants: Two children (one taller and one shorter) remain outside the circle to begin.

• Game Initiation: The two children outside the circle start moving around it while holding hands.

• Separating Hands: As they continue moving, these two children decide to separate the hands of two people in the main circle.

• Race for Positions: After separating the hands, both sets of children (those outside and those whose hands are no longer connected) must run in opposite directions, circling around the main circle.

• Objective: The first pair to reach the vacant spot in the circle left by the separated couple gains a spot inside the circle, while the others remain outside. The winning pair then joins the circle, holding hands.

• Restarting the Game: The pair outside the circle starts the process again to try and earn their place inside the circle. The game continues with new participants in each round.

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