"The best of the best" of entertainment concept Birthday party in a box!
Since our inception in 2013, numerous French and Belgian media have praised our concept Birthday party in a box for children and labelled our games “the best of the best”, “good deal”, “a Party in a box that boosts your birthday party!” or even “the Party in a box solution for a brilliant birthday party!” We are humbled by the recognition our little family business is receiving.
Physical or printable Party
in a box kits
Since 2013, in France, we have forged our success thanks to our registered and unique 100% ready-made physical kits, which include a beautiful Made-in-France, FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified, cardboard treasure chest. Later on, we developed the printable DIY kits, which are the exact same copy of the physical Party in a box kit.
We are very happy to offer you the printable DIY kit for our anglophone launch. Let’s bet that our physical kits will also be available soon…

Numerous French and Belgian journalists have expressed an interest in our Birthday Party in a box concept in magazines, newspapers, radio, and even television since our beginnings in 2013. We hope anglophone journalists will follow suit when they find out our Party in a box kit in English is ready to be downloaded for all the children and parents’ delight! Should you be in touch with journalists, please tell them about Quizoparty ;)

Influencers love our Party
in a box concept
Since 2013, many mums who are also influencers have had the opportunity to discover and test our Party in a box kit.
Fancy brushing up on your French? Read their testimonials here. Hopefully there will be plenty of them to read in English from blogger mums very soon!
What is certain is that all of them loved our Party in a box kit as it considerably reduces organization time for parents and guarantees complete success for the games. Read the numerous testimonials on Google under our French name @quizotresor and on our French website www.quizotresor.com.
Are you an influencer? Would you be interested in a press contact or selling our products? Get in touch with us!